Dilapidation surveys are an integral part of rail, road and building construction in Australia. Nationally, we still have a way to go to encourage innovation and move away from manual processes in the surveying sector. A local Western Australian company is leading the sector in dilapidation surveys.
McDonald Surveys is made up of surveying professionals with over 25 years’ experience, offering a client-focused and collaborative solution, with proven results on dilapidation projects in Western Australia. Our proprietary technology platform, Inspective, allows for easier and more efficient dilapidation surveys on a national level.
What is Inspective?
Inspective is McDonald Surveys’ technology that provides comprehensive data storage and analysis for dilapidation across Western Australia. Our online solution delivers state of the art and irrefutable visual evidence, which is critical to managing potential asset damages.
Inspective software has the ability to create and manage client projects, recording key project data including
- A searchable list of projects, which is filterable by reference number, project name, type, data range, client and location. The software uses tracking, recording and 2D photographic technology to help mitigate overall client risk and help secure dilapidation data for future potential issues.
- A manageable list of properties included within the project to be surveyed.
Inspective is a market-leading technology that incorporates our team’s experience over both Ireland and Australia. It provides massive potential on a national level as Inspective is a one-of-a-kind proprietary dilapidation technology.
How does Inspective apply across Australia?
Inspective has already being implemented on a state level across Western Australia by major companies. Because of its unique innovative nature, Inspective has the potential to deliver massive value both nationally and globally.
McDonald Surveys is currently in discussions with companies around Australia, looking at the potential for launching Inspective as a licensed product.
As champions of surveying innovation nationally, McDonald Surveys wants to lead the industry with comprehensive community liaison, accurate asset reporting and financial risk mitigation within one easy-to-use platform-as-a-service solution.
You can find out more about Inspective here or contact us at enquiries@mcdonaldsurveys.com for more information.

If you have a project you’d like to discuss, please call us on (08) 9353 6140 or complete and submit the form below.

McDonald Surveys International Pty Ltd
1/58 Tarlton Crescent, Perth Airport 6106
T (08) 9353 6140
E enquiries@mcdonaldsurveys.com
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