McDonald Surveys provides an integrated suite of services to meet small to large scale dilapidation surveys at the request of large corporate Construction, Resources, Infrastructure, Road and Development companies.
As surveying professionals with specific expertise in pre and post dilapidation projects, our 25 years’ experience ensures a client focused, collaborative solution with proven results.
One of the factors which determines this success is our investment into proprietary technology, people and processes. This extends to the adoption of third party platforms where appropriate, which in turn enables us to offer an unrivaled quality of service and value to our clients.
Combining people, technology and experience we can take care of every stage within the dilapidation survey process. Our end to end Dilapidation Managed Service will support community expectations from planning through to the completed construction phase of a project. It provides each asset owner with peace of mind through a signed report, but more importantly minimizes queries back to the client throughout the life of a project.
Inspective ™ is our proprietary dilapidation reporting system that completely removes the need for any client input throughout project delivery. It has been designed with efficiency in mind and delivers best in class reporting to decrease risk and exposure to insurance claims .
Every aspect of a pre and post dilapidation project is carefully managed with effective reporting processes in place. With regular and concise communication, much of it online, our clients can rest assured this critical element of the construction project is carried out with a minimum impact on client workload.
Our track record of success extends to: retail, commercial, heritage and residential environments.
During the recent pandemic, we introduced a further innovation: the Self Survey Approach. This enabled us to provide enough tuition and support for home occupiers to conduct some of the basic surveying themselves in their home, whilst under supervision at a safe social distance.
Our Recommended Methodology
Our approach is to provide a streamlined, fully managed solution that encompasses the following:
- community liaison and communication
- continuous client updates and information
- condition report that provides clarity, context and understanding in both pre- and post-construction delivery phases
- efficient report delivery and easy access on-line interface
- accurate billing information
- updated database handback

We aproach projects with a collaborative ethos – with a natural capacity to mobilise high-class scalable teams

If you have a project you’d like to discuss, please call us on (08) 9353 6140 or complete and submit the form below.

McDonald Surveys International Pty Ltd
1/58 Tarlton Crescent, Perth Airport 6106
T (08) 9353 6140
E enquiries@mcdonaldsurveys.com
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